Tuition Fees

The cost of tuition fees is fixed by the government. Fees must be paid in full by 4 January.

For the 2023-2024 school year, the tuition fees (‘minerval’) are as follows:

  • For students who are citizens of an EU member state:
    350,03 € for years of the first and second cycles (bachelor and masters courses)which do not lead to a degree *
    454,47 € years of the bachelor and masters courses which do lead to a degree*
    70,57 € per year for the AESS post-graduate teaching degree (Agrégation de l'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur)

    * Excluding students who receive financial aid who do not have to pay any fees throughout the whole of their studies.
  • For students who are not citizens of an EU member state:

    1837,03 € for years of the first cycle (bachelor) which do not lead to a degree
    1941,47 € for years of the first cycle (bachelor) which do lead to a degree
    2334,03 € for years of the second cycle (masters) which do not lead to a degree
    2438,47 € for years of the second cycle (masters) which do lead to a degree
    2054,57 € per year for the AESS post-graduate teaching degree (Agrégation de l'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur)